I'm New!

Below you will find information or links to help you get to know a little bit about us. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
What to Expect!
This is a church that is NOT ordinary!
Not a church to sing a song, pray a prayer, preach a sermon, and then go home.
IT IS to be a hospital! A place where miracles are common! Where Love flows! And the presence of God is ever present!
What We Believe!
And We Believe
in the...
Inerrancy of Scripture
5 Fold Ministry
& Continuation of Spiritual Gifts
We the family of Koinonia Christian Center Ministries, Inc. endeavor to be a blessing to all mankind worldwide.
We focus on seeking God in prayer for direction that will cause an explosive change in the earth where lives will never be the same.
To pioneer Spirit filled places of worship crafted to reach, equip and edify people from all races and cultural backgrounds. The focus of our effort will be in strategic locations designed to give people unrestricted access to manifest the presence of God.
To equip the saints and save the lost, to express the manifest presence of God. To form fellowships that bring a blessing and meet the needs of every believer.
To reach Memphis and the World one person at a time. “Each One Reach One.” We will do this through prayer and praise gatherings and by the demonstration of the power of God.

Service Times
8:45 AM Church School
New Members Class (via Zoom)
10:00 AM Sunday Service
6:45 PM Mid-Week Bible Study