Fellowship Without Walls
Fellowship without walls is a vision to see evangelism and intercessory prayer occur in our city across denominational lines. It involves ministries working together to influence and change the spiritual landscape of the metropolitan area. If churches can work together in the marketplace, prayer, and evangelism we can take our city and influence it for the greater good.
Our vision for Memphis is to create an environment for kingdom advancement by working together with local pastors to form and support intercessory prayer groups and lead them in kingdom warfare. Taking a city starts by taking both the spiritual landscapes and gateways.
Once the gateway is established we have to position ourselves in the marketplace. This is the second phase of the fellowship aspect. Church does not happen in the sanctuary or the "four walls" only. We have to position believers in the marketplace as laborers, professionals, business owners, educators, entertainers, health care workers, government officials and employees, artists, etc. so that we establish a Christ standard and witness in the marketplace.
God has mandated that we take the city. Fellowship without walls connects believers and creates a spiritual atmosphere for them to succeed at kingdom advancement.